Online arguments

 The online argument I am highlighting in this weeks discussion board is sourced from Reddit but it is from an online bodybuilding forum basically arguing about how many days are in a week. While this seems like a silly topic I could not find anything on my Facebook account worth this discussion post. It goes back and fourth for PAGES… 

I have a few concerns, Why are they arguing over this? Is this conversation actually useful? Is anyone learning anything from this? If you would like to laugh you could go through and read this yourself… Link
From this argument, I believe an argument should have these 5 factors?
1. I think people should have respect for themselves and others. Don’t accuse someone that you don’t know of x,y,z. 
2. The argument should have some sort of organization, Where are you going with these ideas? 
3. Know when to leave. Sometimes it might be better to be the bigger person and leave the argument. 
4. Is there any evidence. Here they literally attached a calendar to convey their points. 
5.Is anyone learning anything from the argument, if not it might be a waste of time. 


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